Thursday, June 15, 2023

Republican Bullshit and Oh Look the Media is the Fucking Worst

We've sat through what, 5 years now of "OMG THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP WILL DESTROY PRESIDENT BIDEN AND HIS ENTIRE FAMILY!!" without anything on this laptop actually showing up yet - gee, those laptops can be very tricky for experts I'm sure - and now for the past few weeks we've had to sit through "OMG WE HAVE TAPES OF BIDEN COMMITTING BRIBERY THAT WILL DESTROY PRESIDENT BIDEN AND HIS ENTIRE FAMILY!!" that Republicans are only barely trying to hide they're lying about (but of course the media keeps feeding it to us as if it's a real thing because (my head explodes))...did this new style of blatant lying, this playbook of "just keep saying you have amazingly damning shit on someone for years & years without producing any evidence because the media will just run with it anyway as if it's real" start in earnest back when Trump was telling everybody about the "amazing! unbelievable!" dirt he was finding in Hawaii/Kenya about Obama that we're all still waiting for over a decade later?

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