Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Woody & Bo, 15 Years Later

I can't believe it's been 15 years since I posted about one of my favorite nonfiction books of all time: you read, the games blend into each other. Every year, both teams would march towards their season-ending game, crushing opponents into submission. Throwing the ball about 4 times all season, and outscoring their opponents about 17,002 to 6. Every year. I'd get lost and confused, "is this 1972? Or 1977?" And every game played with the Big Ten Title/Rose Bowl/National Championship on the line, a pair of teams who played the game by inches. Every game was close, usually decided by a mistake at the end - during one five-game stretch, 4 of the games ended such that the loser had a legitimate claim to...READ MORE

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