Friday, July 14, 2023

EFW?! Footnotes

Here's the 2010 list I mentioned in this week's episode re: my favorite songs of the 00s. And of course here's the Neil Diamond song I blathered about loving so much.
There She Goes My Beautiful World (Nick Cave)
Faraway You (Marah) almost Round Eye Blues, Leaving, Pigeon Heart, Freedom Park
The Rising (Bruce Springsteen) almost Girls in Their Summer Clothes
It's Love (Chris Knox)
Anything by Regina Spektor
Hard to Explain (The Strokes)
Its My Best (Hayday)  I'm so cheeky!!!
Banging Camp  (The Hold Steady)
Fuck the FCC (Steve Earle)
A Letter from Anne Marie (Grant Hart)
Winding Wheel (Ryan Adams)
Lose Yourself (Eminem)
Delirious Love (Neil Diamond) almost Oh Mary
I Predict a Riot  (Kaiser Chiefs)
Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? (She & Him)
Portland (Lotretta Lynn)
ABC  (Pipettes)
Horse to Water (REM)
After the Garden (Neil Young)
I'm Always in Love (Wilco)
Bad Romance (Lady Gaga)
New Drink for the Old Drunk (Crooked Fingers)

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