Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Fab 4 2fer (3fer, Really)

I guess the moment the Internet was invented, Paw McCatney was just inevitable?

But this of course just gives me an excuse to take a moment to hail the greatness that is Things We Said Today; an album track that not only has one of the Beatle's greatest middle 8's - along with No Reply*, You Can't Do That & more - but they do it TWICE and still finish the song in 2:35!!!!!!!!!

*the middle 8 in No Reply is so good they actually did try to include it twice, but it didn't work because it would just overwhelm the song. If you've lived in an underwater cave your whole life and have never enjoyed the bliss that is the middle 8 of No Reply then carry your ass over here for a minute (and then come right back!)

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