Thursday, July 13, 2023

Live Aid at 38

You people know I love Live Aid, all the excitement about the event itself and what it was trying to do, so you'll excuse me if I sprinkle in a few thoughts from over the years here:

I was at the perfect age for this - old enough to be taking music "seriously," but still young enough that "music" to me meant a lot of the bands that were a big deal at the time, like Duran Duran or the Hooters. Had it come a year later when I was into The Ramones and The Replacements I prolly woulda pooh-poohed it as "gay."

Were it not for school shooting legend Brenda Ann Spencer, would Bob Geldof have been in the position he was in years later to put on Live Aid? Is it possible millions of lives have been saved by this teenage mass murderer? 🤔🤷‍♂️

32 38 years to the day since Live Aid and still nobody's explained why Rick Springfield was introduced by Joe Piscopo.

Paul McCartney's anticipated finale was one of the many highlights of the show and he was the only Beatle to make an why was his name not on the poster?

Anyways, I for one never get tired of hearing about how it call came together.

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