Friday, July 21, 2023

The Laurie Anderson Exhibit at the Hirschorn

I wish my life was non-stop Hollywood movie show
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes
Because celluloid heroes never feel any pain
And celluloid heroes never really die - Ray Davies
I've always bleated on & on about getting as many older people on tape as possible, telling their stories, because one day they will die and there will be no possible record of them left (remember my brilliance in pointing out that we're one of the first generations who are even able to do such a thing; thousands of generations came before us without leaving a trace of themselves behind). Maybe its because my own parents died at such a young age & at a time before cameras were everywhere that I'm more sensitive to such a thing; also why I'm thrilled with myself for having had the foresight to sit down with my grandma & aunts back in 2000 to get as many stories from them as I could. So this one really hit home for me and stands as very much the truth; thankfully because of the incredible ease with which we can constantly record anything we want with our phones nowadays, maybe nothing really has to fully go away for real ever again?

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