Wednesday, August 09, 2023

OFAH du Jour: Special Rodders Edition

Del Boy rightfully so gets a lot of credit for his brilliant lines throughout the series, so let's take a moment & highlight a few of Rodney's gems, thanks to Very British Problems. Enjoy, you plonkers!
“I've got this horrible feeling that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, knowing my luck I'll come back as me.”

“Stone me Del, you've been engaged more times than a switchboard.”

“Del you must’ve spent a third of your life standing in front of mirrors. Up until I was four, I thought you was twins.”

“Trigger with a computer? Do me a favour, he's still struggling with light switches.”

“If you had been in charge of The Last Supper it would’ve been a takeaway.”

“Thanks to your general wally-ness, I am now a twenty six year old man who has just come second in a skateboard race.”

“God knows how you’ve got the courage to walk down dark alleys wearing all that gold. When they see you coming you must look like a mugger’s pension scheme.”

“Whatever the subject is, Mum had something to say about it on her deathbed. She must’ve spent her final few hours in this mortal realm doing nothing but rabbiting.”

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