Friday, September 15, 2023

EGG FOO WHAT?! Goes to California! #BestShow24, Post 3

I can't say enough about how great Sarah Silverman was. I'd heard she was late and in a rush & they were gonna get her in and out of the studio as quickly as possible so I assumed I wasn't gonna get to meet her, but after she was on I happened to be getting a water from the kitchen and she was just there with a few people, petting a dog. I let her know what I thought of her last special and she seemed genuinely moved by it, I told her how ballsy the whole thing was and that she didn't couch anything with "gee I hope I don't get canceled" bullshit like a lot of comedians do, which she really seemed to appreciate. Of course she's been hearing stuff like that from people like me for years & years so maybe it's all acting on her part and she made fun of me the second I was out of earshot, but she was just oozing with warmth and friendliness and it makes me feel happy just thinking about it. She even felt my heart and laughed at how fast it was beating!! 🤗 An all-time great moment 🤗

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