Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Media is Garbage

Someone in the media is finally admitting how fucking disgusting the media's been over the last 8 years in desperately "normalizing" Trump & Republicans because he's good for clicks/ratings, never mind the fact that he could literally blow us all up to pieces whether he means to or not:
Trump called for the execution of U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, branding him a traitor. This was because Milley told his Chinese counterparts, toward the end of the Trump administration, that the U.S. was not planning to invade China and start World War III. In other words, Milley reiterated official U.S. policy since the end of World War II.

A few days later, our actual president, Joe Biden, made history by standing on a picket line with striking UAW members in Michigan.

We in the press didn't tell you much about that, but we wasted airtime, pixels and ink reporting that Trump calls himself "pro-worker" — though there is no evidence of that to be found anywhere. We pretty much ignored Trump's threat against the chairman of the Joint Chiefs. We have also done minimal reporting on the New York judge who imposed the "corporate death penalty" on Trump's business enterprises this week and may end up confiscating Trump's property, after issuing a summary judgment that Trump's companies actively engaged in fraud over many years.

There's a potential government shutdown coming this weekend, but that took a back seat to an outlier political poll that shows Trump leading Biden by 10 points.

If the press doesn't mention fraud every time we mention Trump's name then we're not doing our job. Mind you, Trump was also labeled as a rapist in civil court, and we rarely mention that either. We routinely ignore his 91 felony charges in four jurisdictions when we talk about his so-called politics, and we seem to have forgotten he's already been impeached twice. We pretend that his many lies are changes in policy. Anyone who expects the press to responsibly report the reality of Donald Trump at this point may, in fact, be as delusional as Trump.

But don't count on the press to inform you about any of that. We're too busy pretending, and entertaining you by treating Trump as if he were a charmer, or a savior.

He is always getting caught in his own lies. We just allow him to go free without forcing him to take responsibility for his actions.
Of course the sad fact of the matter is that Trump has done all of his shit in broad daylight and gets worse every moment, yet 75M Americans are still absolutely THIRSTING for him to not be President, but Dictator. I don't usually like to copy/paste so much from an article, I usually wanna get you people over to the article, but all of these are dead-on. I was never one of those kneejerk "the media's evil!" people before but what they've done with Trump has genuinely imperiled the planet and I hope their 30 pieces of silver help them sleep at night.

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