Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Just Xmastime TCB, My Babies

Someone get on the blower & tell Pete Townsend that Love's Can't Explain is the best mid-60s song with "can't explain" in the title!! 😜 - Xmastime
Yesterday HERE I pointed out knocking out The Twilight Zone from my short list of things I'd like to do a deep dive on; I'd assumed because I'm a lazy shithead I'd never actually get around to any of the others but I just noticed that since then I've fallen in love - pun intended, natch - with the band Love from the list!


While I've spent decades being blathered on & on to by "experts" that Love's Forever Changes is one of the greatest albums of all time it's always left my cold, I listened to their first album and LOVE it (pun intended again, natch). The entire album is good and Can't Explain is one of my favorite "new" songs that I've discovered this year.

Lookit me - TWO things knocked off my list, just like that! 🤗🕺

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