Tuesday, October 31, 2023

OFAH du Jour, 2

Okay I lied, there is another Halloween-y thing about Only Fools and Horses, and it's why Del Boy's only child is named Damien:

Damien is the only child of Del and Raquel and nephew of Rodney Trotter. A recurring theme in the show was Rodney's irrational, fixated belief that Damien was literally the Antichrist (an allusion to The Omen) despite the fact that Damien shows no resentment nor intentions of harm toward anybody except Rodney himself. He was named after Del and Raquel could not decide on a name for their unborn baby, so Rodney sarcastically suggested that they name him "Damien" as Rodney was convinced that the baby would be born half-demon. To his horror, they adored the name. Damien was born under a full moon and during the birth, Rodney even went as so far as to ask Del if the baby had been born with the numbers "666" branded on its forehead. 

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