Wednesday, October 18, 2023

#XOTD2008 #truththentruthnow

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Radio Somewhere

Ever since I was a tiny, tiny buck the only radio station I ever really listened to was the oldies station. I used to be an encyclopedia of 50s/60s rock until the past few years when I got, you know...old.

ANYways...I've already ranted on here somewhere about how there's no bars to go to in NYC anymore without getting assaulted by screeching loud music. But what has begun to really chap my hide now is whenever you go to a friends house for a party. Of course, once something's labeled a "party" there's has to be music involved. It used to be bad enough when someone would put on a cd...but at least then, you figured well, the cd had to be something worthwhile if we were gonna sit through the whole thing. But now? Thanks to iPods, whoever wants to can just assault us with his/her iPod on "shuffle." Which is usually painful to fucking sit through. For every Can't Hardly Wait that pops up, there's 10 "between-tracks ironic filler from Yo La Tango b-sides." Jesus.

I am, and always have been, of the mindset that anytime there's more than 2 people sitting somewhere drinking beer, the default music should always be oldies AND ONLY oldies. Everybody knows most of the songs, they're usually GOOD, and, at worst, they're done in less than two minutes. No sitting through hours of some geek's esoteric bullshit. Fats, Buddy, Chuck; rinse, lather, repeat.

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