Wednesday, December 20, 2023

An Update on Marion Stokes

A few years ago posted about Marion Stokes, who recorded 71,000 video cassettes worth of 24/7 newscast from 1975 to her death in 2012, and me being moi asked the important question nobody else had the balls to:


And yes, lucky readers of Xmastime, after years of study & research & reading her Wikipedia page for 4 seconds, we now have the answer:

Sensing the immense potential of the Apple brand during its infancy, Stokes invested in Apple stock with capital from her in-laws while the company was still fledgling. Later, she encouraged her already rich in-laws to invest in Apple, advice they took and profited greatly from, increasing their wealth even further. Stokes then allocated part of her profits to her recording project, which was important for her work, especially for the first few years when videotapes were a new, expensive technology.

Of course I have no clue how some random woman in Philly could've heard of Apple to invest in them, but this line jumps out at me as well:
Stokes became convinced there was a lot of detail in the news at risk of disappearing forever, so she began taping.
Which fits in perfectly with the link from my post earlier today on the video clip from 1963:
What if you were literally the last human being whose voice or image was never recorded?

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