Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Mind Blown du Jour

It’s crazy that history will look back on us as the first generations who are recorded, either visually or aurally. Humans have been around for thousands and thousands of years, but we're among the first group of generations whose images and voices are recorded forever. There will never be another moment on Earth without images or sounds of when you - yes, YOU! - were alive. - XMASTIME

I can't stop staring at the clip below. There's probably no chance anyone in this video even knew they were being filmed, or even believed they'd ever BE filmed, and yet there's a (slight) chance someone could stumble into this Tweet just like I did and realize they're in the video - or it's the block they lived on, their parked car etc etc. From all the way back, 60 years ago. Can you even imagine?

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