Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Defarted HAHAHAHAHA!!

My second-favorite podcast The Rewatchables are going bananas over the opening credits for The Departed not showing up until 18 minutes into the movie.

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “weren't you bitching about this 18 years ago??"

Sigh. Yes I was, faithful readers, YES I was: (from my old classic THINGS ARE GOOD days!!)

5) I’m sitting there watching the beginning of Jerry McGuire last night and a few minutes in I start to notice that credits are still popping up on the screen. What the fuck. And by this point I don’t even mean “Tom Cruise” or “Cuba Gooding, Jr”, I mean “Music Supervisor Randy Whittman.” Camon. Credits are annoying enough, and now I check my clock and we’re NINE MINUTES IN, and we’re still having them fucking pop up??!?! And they don’t even just throw them out there, they fucking take a minute or so between them. What the fuck is this for – suspense? “Hold on…who’s the assistant cinematographer here? Who? WHO THE FUCK IS TH- oh, good. Jim Dickhead. He’s good.” I realize they’re folding them in as the movie is rolling, as if they’re part of the fucking story. Which is, I will say, a tad distracting when you’re trying to get a grip at the beginning of a flick.

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