Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Sopranos @ 25

Like a lot of folks right now I'm doing a re-re-r-e-re-binge watch of The Sopranos to celebrate its 25th year; on a whim I wondered what the very first time I mentioned the show on these hallowed pages looked like. Going all the way back to April 2006, here it is, the very first time I mentioned The Sopranos:
2) I’m surprised at how much time “The Sopranos” has devoted to being horrified that Vito is gay. Throughout the show’s run, every fucking scene some fat schlubs are playing grab-ass while saying hello/goodbye, but then they’re horrified about Vito being gay? Has there ever been a show in the history of the world with so much man-kissing and hugging?
According to the date posted, the name of the episode I was referring to IS LUXURY LOUNGE... WHICH I WILL BE WATCHING TONIGHT, PEOPLE!!!

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