Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thoughts on Trump.

For months now I've been saying Trump should stop pretending anything else and just start announcing that he full on intends to be a full-on dictator if re-elected, and in recent weeks he's warmed up to the idea of being more and more upfront about it, which may put some of his squishier supporters in a difficult spot. It's one thing to explain away your vote for him by blah-blah-blah the economy and that what he says is not to be taken seriously, but it's another to have to explain that you voted for a dictator while knowing fully well he was going to be a dictator,  and it'd be impossible for anyone to deny since it's Trump so of course he's gonna remind us every 10 minutes. It's just the latest shibboleth after years of them being reasons for voting for Trump, but maybe the most damaging one - just like when you put on a KKK suit, when you brag to me now that you voted for Trump in 2024  I'll officially mark you as an authoritarian fascist asshole and you best get the fuck away from me. So it'll be a bit more of a sticky wicket for them to seemingly pass their Trump vote off as "normal", but then again of course these people are fucking terrible and I'm sure it'll be no problem for them.

And of course yes, I'd expect bad news if I was someone who makes up 99% of Trump supporters.

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