Sunday, February 18, 2024

Crazy Coincidences are Crazy

One of the eeriest photos in modern times is the one of John Lennon with Mark David Chapman hours before Chapman returned and murdered him; of course there's a Paul McCartney WTF?! equivalent, though obviously not as tragic as Lennon's. In 1967 while recording Sgt. Pepper he wrote Xmastime superslice of superslices She's Leaving Home after reading a newspaper article about a London girl, Melanie Coe, who'd run away from home upper-class home. Incredibly, in one of the craziest confidences in rock history, he'd actually met Coe four years earlier in 1963 when he chose her as the prize winner in a dancing contest on ITV's Ready Steady Go!

And of course since the Internet is bananas and I'm amazing you can just sit on your tuckus right now and enjoy seeing that very moment for yourself.


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