Thursday, February 29, 2024

Unmissed Connections

Earlier on the train I was nice & comfy on a seat when suddenly the car completely filled up and finally some old guy with a walker came shuffling on & of course I spent a few seconds hoping to pretend I hadn’t registered what I was seeing yet and someone else would get up to give the guy their seat. But finally after what must have been an interminable 4 seconds I stood up to offer my seat, HALF A SECOND before the guy sitting across from me did; I got the glory of tapping the old guy’s shoulder but as I prepared to step aside for him to sit he waved me off, insisting I sit back down because he was getting off at the next stop but thanking me profusely, and when I was sitting back down my eyes locked with the other guy in the seat across from me and I suddenly pointed at him & said “this guy should get credit too” and the look in his eyes as he beamed back at me with glorious gratitude that I'll remember forever was the greatest intimate connection I’ve felt with another human being in decades.

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