Tuesday, March 12, 2024

A "Fuck You" to Some Folks

For 20 years, we all had to deal with fucking "independent voters", the lowest of the low fucking idiots for whom every 4 years we had to pretend were the belle of the ball and beg them to let us know what was going on inside their empty fucking heads while coquettishly playing with their doll's hair.

But at least they were just idiots looking for attention; there is a new strain of this shithead now upon us whom can actually inflict real damage. It's these fucking people:


You can like Trump. You can vote for Trump. You can hate Biden. You can choose to not vote for Biden. But if you hear yourself saying out loud, "Trump is an absolute nightmare who will forever end American democracy....but I juuuuuuuuuust can't vote for Biden" then fuck you, and years from now the history books will expose you as the reason American democracy ended: you are now all the neighbors who shrugged "everything's fine" while Hitler rounded up the Jews.

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