Sunday, March 03, 2024

Arthur, Somebody Loves You Don't You Know It?

I mentioned the BBC's radio play of The Kinks' classic album Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire) the other but really had no idea what to expect. Turns out it's a radio play of the personal and social upheavals that led Ray Davies to eventually write the album. I've never really listened to anything like it but it's basically a play on the radio with music interspersed; I really LOVE the classic "kitchen sink drama" feel of the acting, reflecting all the the shows like it from the "Golden Age of Telly" (in my head it should remind you of this show). If I had a nitpick I'd say if you can't get the licensing for the actual song recordings, don't play so much of kinda-whatever generic cover versions; CERTAINLY don't play so much of each one - we're here because we already love the album, so we don't need to hear so much of it poorly recreated.

It's a slice of daily 1960s British life well worth taking an hour-ish to listen in on, and of course it's really great to be reminded there's other people out there who love the album so much.


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