Monday, May 13, 2024

Beatle Boots Baby!

Imagine having such a huge impact on the world that 60+ years later all anybody needs to see is your shoes lined up & we know exactly who we're talking about and all the absolute joy it brings. πŸ€—πŸ•ΊπŸŽΈπŸ₯

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you come a liiiiiiiiiiiiitle too close to such things back in your beautiful youth?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I did: 
...the one guy living in Tupelo I DID meet was, and I say this as a compliment, a Beatles freak. I walked in and saw him for the first time, boom - Beatle boots, Beatles white tie/black tie with vest. Straight out of any photo you've seen from the recording of Please Please Me. We start talking, we both love the Beatles, he's in a Beatles cover band, he finds out I'm in a band (the you-wouldn't-even-believe-how-good-we-were-if-I-told-you,-even-tho-apparently-I-am-right-now,-I-guess The Happy Scene) and excitedly asks me to come "jam" with his band. I show a bit of interest and he gives me a tape (produced from his wig, in looking back on it) and I don't think anything of it until a few days later when I pop the tape in to listen. And I realize this isn't a Beatles cover band, it's a Break Down Every Note and Reproduce it Exactly Like it Is on The Album, Therein Making One Wonder Why Anyone Would Bother Band. Hmm.

The last time I talked to him, he asked me how many pairs of Beatle Boots he could order for me ("I like to keep at least four pairs handy, myself.")

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