Thursday, May 02, 2024

Hump Day Beginnings, with Xmastime

Article over at Salon re: Trump's lawyer, previously known as a reasonable human being and a fantastic lawyer, is on his way like all the others to having his career ruined by working for Trump:

...this is not a matter of Blanche holding his nose and taking on an undesirable client. Blanche has been completely assimilated into the MAGA borg. He changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. He bought a house near Mar-a-Lago. He attends Trump campaign events. He works out of Trump's offices. It's the same process we've all seen time and again with people who work for Trump: Either you get completely on board with Trump and all his delusions, or you're pushed out. This fear keeps people from noticing what is obvious to outsiders: Sticking by Trump means a very strong chance you ruin your life and torch your reputation.
On one hand, it's really funny because we all know that in the end Trump's not even gonna pay this motherfucker either, so.. On the other hand, while representing Trump probably immediacy cuts your potential future client base down by at least 50%, I guess the reasoning is that by being Trump's lawyer - even one that did the inevitable and let him down for not  being as brilliant a legal mind as Trump himself is, obviously - there's enough uber-wealthy MAGA fuckwads happy to shower you with money for the rest of your life, either for actual lawyer work or to show off at dinner parties as a MAGA avatar of "sticking it to the libs!" by defending - or trying to - their hero Trump.

But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), "didn't you rather brilliantly lay out the exact OPPOSITE scenario with Trump over 18 years ago?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I did:
6) I’ve always said that if I was on the ‘Apprentice’, let’s face of it, the odds of you actually winning are fairly slim. BUT when you get fired, instead of genuflecting “Thank you King Trump, thank you!” and slinking off, I’ve always thought you should fucking flip out, cause a scene. “WHAT? YOU’RE firing me? FUCK THAT, I’M firing YOU, motherfucker!!!” and try to flip that table over. Cause you KNOW that there’s a million hotshots around the world that HATE Trump and when they see the clip of you telling T-rump to go fuck himself, they’ll hire you for $200,000/year just to hang out, smoke cigars and tell everyone how you told Trump to go fuck himself. 

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