Friday, May 10, 2024

Incredible TV Week

This week has been a truly special week for television:
THE TOM BRADY ROAST: there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said, everything about it was remarkable; you can hear me blather about it here but I mean it wasn't only the best comedy roast in decades (are we FINALLY leaving the whole "bring up 8 comedians who have literally never met the person being roasted" phase of things?), it being live made it an incredible tv event. Everybody was funny - except fucking Ben Affleck, wow (I mean it's not like he went first; he had about three hours to realize oh shit and write a new five minutes.).

EVERYBODY'S IN LA: the final episode of this live show airs tonight; I can't imagine Netflix not backing up the money truck to John Mulaney to keep it going. It's exactly what I want from something like this - it's live, there's random sets of celebrities/non-celebrities mixing together, there's terrible-to-great video pieces, there's live phone calls from random people calling in and an overall sense of nobody knows what the fuck's going on. My only complaints are that I want this to be every weeknight from now on, and for Mulaney to access his more bitchy side with the phone calls. Right now, I;'m just so totally bummed tonight's the last episode.

UNFROASTED: (for some reason I have a mental block with this goddam movie no matter how much press I've seen, I can't get it straight whether it's Untoasted or Unfrosted so fuck it I'm saying Unfroasted for now, sue me) I went into this Seinfeldian Citizen Kane bracing myself but this movie is a throwback; not just in its look & tone & setting, but its sense of what movies used to be - there's no bigger IP Universe bullshit, every single second doesn't hafta have some super-deep meaning we're all scrambling about looking for online, and it's just pure silliness over & over again with all the celebrities we all love stuffed into every frame. Every minute was a pure delight and there's no chance of me getting thru the weekend without watching it again.

THE CONNERS: nobody talks about network sitcoms anymore, probably rightfully so, but this is a show that's stayed pretty consistant - and has been a fucking showpiece for the always brilliant Laurie Metcalf who should have been winning the Emmy every year but oh no we hafta give everything to Barry or The Bear EVEN THO THEY'RE NOT FUKING COMEDIES!!! but I digress; the point is that this week's episode was incredible, just fucking fantastic and the fact that it was written by OG Becky Lecy Goranson only makes it that much sweeter.
Those are just four examples of what has made this a truly unique & fun week of television for me that I hope to see more of! ENJOY AND YOU'RE WELCOME, EAF!!

@netflixisajoke Welcome to episode one of John Mulaney Presents: Everybody’s In L.A. #EverybodysinLA #NetflixIsAJokeFest @johnmulaney ♬ original sound - Netflix Is A Joke

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