Tuesday, May 21, 2024


For some reason one of the little shops in the George Washington Bridge Terminal not only sells books alongside batteries and coffee, but books you’d find in your college bookstore. I don’t just mean The Red Badge of Courage or The Grapes of Wrath; I mean books like Algebra II, or Physics 313, or a whole rack of Cliff Notes. This is very funny to me - I have no idea how these school books got there next to stacks of used video tapes for sale in a store where people buy the paper and coffee, but what the hey. - XMASTIME

That store also had plenty of random paperbacks like Joyce Carol Oates laments; I hadn't thought about it in 100 years but I agree that I miss stumbling on racks of pulp fictions churned out, books you could flip through on the bus and then trash if you wanted, or like The Chosen as I discuss in the post I linked to above.

Also, maybe it's because I "studied" her in college which was a million years ago there's no chance I woulda thought Joyce Carol Oates was still alive??

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