Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Let's Celebrate The Donovan of Trash, People!

Thanks to Op I've gotten to love a few Greg Cartwright superslices over the years (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!!!), so to find out that he's apparently the only person on Earth other than myself who has loved Wreckless Eric's The Donovan of Trash album for 30+ years only makes me like him even more:

We stayed with one of Jeff’s friends, and I rummaged through the last couple CDs in the box and gave Donovan Of Trash a try. I think I may have listened to it three times all the way through before I went to bed. For the remainder of the tour I told anyone who’d listen about my new favorite album. Some got it, some didn’t. I didn’t care. People who didn’t usually said, “You should hear his Stiff records; they’re much better.” I already knew his Stiff material from the ’70s, but to my ears this album was delivering on the promise of “whole wide world” in a much more satisfying way.

It's never occurred to me to listen to any of his albums after that; I'd assumed that after peaking with his instant 1977 classic. Whole Wide World the album was a bit of a fluke, but maybe that's not the case:

Not long after, maybe a year or two later, I found the Len Bright Combo LP from 1986 while looking through a record store in Holland. Wow! Great songs and really outstanding band. Very raw. Then a friend made me a copy of his album Le Beat Group Electrique from ’89. I was beginning to see a trend here. Unlike every other artist I’d ever gotten into, his career arc seemed to be working backward. His early records were good, but with each consecutive album they were becoming great!

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