Monday, May 13, 2024

Thoughts. I Have Them.

I'm very comfortable understanding that I have no idea how money or the business world works, but how the whole John Krasinski Some Good News pandemic Youtube hit series disappeared is a mystery. He does a few episodes, and everybody loves it. After the 8 episodes, there's a big bidding war and Krasinski sells it to ViacomCBS for god knows how much; we're all left knowing it won't be the same, but I'm sure at the time we all thought well, this is like an indie band going to a major label who will then unleash their considerable resources to make the show more accessible to more people, even if it's a slightly watered down version.

But nothing ever happened. Immediately after winning the bidding war, ViacomCBS just kinda shrugged & announced they wouldn't be doing anything with the show at, what was the point of buying it? In particular, a heart-warming show - of only 8 episodes - that was less about making $$$$ & more about making people happy; it's not like ViacomCBS was offered a chance to buy Coca-Cola. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd wonder if this is what happens in the upper echelon of the super-wealthy: Millionaire #1 decides he's tired of doing whatever project he's doing but doesn't wanna get stuck losing any $$$, so Billionaire #1 steps in and buys it because other than getting what I'm sure is some massive tax break/short-term good PR for it, the fact is that super-rich people take care of other super-rich people and there's no way there were letting one of their own get stuck with losing money when a bigger fish could step in and absorb it much better.

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