Monday, May 20, 2024

Wait Hold Up

Are you people telling me that the 50th anniversary of David Thompson beating UCLA really come & gone without a David Thompson 30 for 30-style documentary??? 😡😡😡😡

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you point out the curious disappearance of the legacy of David Thompson over a dozen years ago?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I did:
I probably saw about 250+ ACC basketball games on tv before I left for college, and yet somehow I don't feel like we were made aware of how great David Thompson had been in the early 70's. I feel like they only brought him up to mention him once winning the NBA dunk contest and that he had drug problems, and not how he once ruled the conference. They only seemed to speak of him as some physical freak that could jump out of the gym, and nothing else. I certainly don't remember him being as looming of a figure when I was a kid as you'd think he'd have been - and that 1974 team had been the first ACC team to win a national title since 1957, I believe. As this joint says:
The guy was a three-time ACC Basketball Player of the Year. Important to this discussion: he has a ring ('74), which came in a season in which he played in one of the best games ever (ACC Championship vs. Maryland) and ended UCLA's run of dominance with a 80-77 win over 'em in the Final Four. Bonus: you ever see MJ speak at a hoops camp? We have. He frequently says Thompson was one of his influences.

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