Monday, May 27, 2024

Welcome to My New Way of Living, People

Maybe once in this lifetime you get a moment while you think maybe the Universe has been lined up in a certain way just for you, and my moment is right now with the introduction of The Garfield Summer:

Garfield and I have a lot in common. We are both irritable, chubby, and hate Mondays. I deeply respect his simple ethos: Eat as much lasagna as you can, torment your enemies, and take plenty of naps. “All I do is eat and sleep. Eat and sleep. Eat and sleep,” Garfield says. “There must be more to a cat’s life than that. But I hope not.”

This is a vibe I can really get behind. And so, while many may be envisioning their Hot Girl Summer, I am preparing to live my life like Garfield for the next three months. Instead of worrying about my “beach body,” I plan to lie around under a blanket, inhaling lasagna.

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