Monday, June 03, 2024


I can't fucking believe it's the fucking year 2024 and I've had to listen to a fucking car alarm going off for th last fucking hour HOW DO PEOPLE STILL HAVE THESE THINGS THEY ARE THE MOST USELESS PIECES OF SHIT EVER INVENTED AND THEY SHOULD FUCKING BE ILLEGAL AS A FUCKING NOISE HAZARD BY NOW!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡

"But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “didn't you point this bullshit out all the way back in 2006?"

Sigh. Yes I did, faithful readers, YES I did:
4) Car Alarms. Like everyone else I wanna jump off a bridge whenever one of these things go off, but they are fun to think about when you consider has there been a single piece of widespread technology developed over the last 15 years that is as completely worthless as these things? What are the numbers on how many cars have been “saved” because of these things? Number of Times I’ve Seen/Heard One of These Things Going Off: 22,943 Number of Times I Have Ever Seen Anyone React in Such a Way So as to Stop a Crime: 0. You never hear one of these go off, and then see some dude sprinting down the hallway “My car! Someone’s breaking in, I can hear it!! I’ll kill him!!!!” It’s always car alarm goes off, and you see some guy “...and so, summarize, I-...oh crap. Is that mine? Is that me? Jimbo, that your car or mine? Mine? You sure? Crap. I guess I should go down and turn it off. Dammit!”

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