Saturday, June 29, 2024

In America.

So it looks like the Supreme Court - don't get me started on these pieces of shit - has now made it legal to arrest homeless people for sleeping outside. If you don't think this just another way to stockpile as many black people in prison then you are out of your goddam mind.

Homeless person is arrested.

Oh look, they can't pay their fine/court fees whatever even with their $0/year salary.

Guess they'll hafta stay in jail until they can!

Their $0/year job being homeless isn't enough to tackle the original fine, and oh gee whaddya know now late fees on top of it are mounting every day

They stay in jail, where the people who like the people on the Supreme Court like them

This is just like the Drug War, but made even more lethal because obviously all of these people are literally sitting/lying around and can easily be scooped up by any cop at any time, which is really useful for them since for some fucked up reason that we've all become numb to the fact that cops have fucking monthly quotas they have to fill out. Oh, and then at some point the homeless person gets sent off to a prison that oh gee what do you know, is privately funded $$$$$.


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