Thursday, June 13, 2024

J.D. Vance is a Worthless Piece of Shit

Even amongst his own GOP peers it's hard to imagine someone more full of shit both to the people he was claiming to be writing for in Hillbilly Elegy and to idiotic Trumpsters he's now courting than J.D. Vance, but while barely making it through the first few paragraphs of Ross Douthat's beyond-dull bullshit interview with Vance that I'm sure he did in his sleep I can tell you that upon reading this:

The Vance of eight years ago was read with appreciation and gratitude by Trump opponents looking for a window into populism. The Vance of today is despised and feared by many of the same kind of people. His transformation is one of the most striking political stories of the Trump era, and one that’s likely to influence Republican politics even after Trump is gone.

I can readily report that absolutely nobody who actually read the book is surprised that he's now spending most of his days suckling Trump's brown asshole so that he can make the very people in his book's lives as miserable as possible.

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