Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jonestown Documentary

Besides being creepy af (I still have the final to watch), this has the most insane amount of real-time video footage of any documentary on a sort-of-out-there who cares? subject set in the late 70s; you can almost see the interviewee's lips match the words they're saying on film from 46 years ago. Super trippy. (And obviously after you've watched this documentary please immediately go to the first episode of Season 3 of Documentary Now! titled Batsh*t Valley; the first half will have your scratching your head but when the truth hits in the second part it's a hall of fame comedy moment.)

Oh!....AND one of the main people featured throughout is a Congressional Mrs. Xmastime who still brings the ruckus at 120 years old NOM NOM NOM!.

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