Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Not-So-Good Vibrations

I made it about an hour into this turd which after about 10 seconds could be spotted by Stevie Wonder to be a fucking Mike Love project; when he matter-of-factly tries to drop in the "fact" that he was to the lyrics as Brian was to the music - you know, just equal partners of equal genius! - my ears literally rolled off of my head and into the street to get squashed out of mercy by a taco truck. The folks with ears over at Decider of course agree with me:

...he’s able to position himself as every bit the brains of the outfit as Brian, the essential merry yin to his melancholic yang. (In the recurring parallels drawn between the Beach Boys and their friendly rivals the Beatles, Love’s supposed to be the Paul to Brian’s John.) 

Of course the author of this article also fucks up themselves as if they were gonna be John & Paul then obviously BRIAN would be Paul since he was the musical genius of the group, same as Paul.

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