Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Ugh du Jour

This is the view outside my window. At 8pm. Not only are the hours of 5-9pm every day incredibly depressing for me because of the unrelenting Sun blazing through my windows in such a way that no matter what lighting inside the apartment I turn on or off, I'm left with a vague grayness that's part mental facility and part that feeling you got whenever you had to go to bed as a kid when the Sun was still out. It's totally fucking depressing me the hell out and it's gonna be a long (insert the correct number of months untl the fucking Sun starts going away at a reasonable hour again) months. Ugh.

The entire reason for this post was originally to make an "oh look Jesus Christ is outside my window" joke but all it did was remind me how depressing the Sun-fueled grayness is to me now. 😢

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