Monday, June 03, 2024

We are the Sherlock Holmes English Speaking Vernacular

Hot Fuzz is definitely my favorite out of the Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg's Cornetto Trilogy, and The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society is my favorite Kinks album, and now someone's written an entire article about the Hot Fuzz scene that features the album's title track:

The film uses The Kinks’ ‘The Village Green Preservation Society’ from their 1968 album The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society during a scene early on. As Angel is jogging through Sandford, being greeted by residents as he passes them in the street, the song plays over the top of the sequence. The title clearly alludes to the Neighbourhood Watch Alliance’s aim to preserve the village so that it wins an award for being the best kept in the area, but it’s easy to hear the track and not connect any dots straight away. It’s not until you rewatch the film that the use of the song becomes so glaringly obvious.

I don't know/don't care other than I love any reason to shine a little more love on the absolute genius that is Ray Davies so here you go. You're welcome, Earf!

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