Sunday, June 30, 2024

Your Sunday WINGS You're Welcome

Watching tv in the 80s & 90s was fucking bananas. I’m watching one of my favorite episodes of Wings and a one-time only character shows up and I’m like “hey, that’s the same actress who played a different character in 3 other episodes!” But I also remember those were the days when an actor could pop up as different characters throughout a series and nobody really remembered it, it wasn’t streaming over & over and almost nobody bothered taping these things every week so the forgettable factor was high.

But not only was the actor, Cathy Silver, a different character on Wings for three episodes, she was more recognizable than most struggling actresses in that role because she was already known for having been a semi-regular on Happy Days as Jenny Piccolo for a coupla years. I remember knowing this when she first appeared on Wings a million years ago; at the time it'd probably been less than 10 years since she was on Happy Days so my recognizing her wasn't even all that remarkable. So not only does Wings have this actress suddenly play a different character than the one she'd do on three other episodes (she played Sandy, a former classmate who has gone psycho and lives in a fantasy world in which she & Joe are together), it was an actress a lot of regular sitcom watchers would be familiar with.

And here's the funny part.

I was already laughing at the ridiculous of all this as the episode was ending, but then I realized what the next episode was: THE FINAL EPISODE SHE WOULD APPEAR IN AS THE OTHER CHARACTER!!!

So on top of everything else, they just fucking had her back on the show ONE WEEK LATER as a different character!! 🤣😂🤣😂

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