Monday, July 01, 2024

Current Events

 In a big surprise to no one, the Supreme Court has now ruled that Trump is King, above the law. It's shocking that this far along on the Trump Train of Lunacy anything can still be shocking, but this shit just keeps getting worse and worse, and it's not getting any better.

I wonder if something really did snap when we elected Obama. One thing the ensuing years have shown is just how enraged people were at the idea of a black president, to the point that it's hard to believe he actually did get elected, much less twice.

So I wonder if there's something to the idea that while someone like me is beyond horrified that Trump can do all the things he's done, both as president and as an ex-president, and yet he's still running as an adjucated sexual assaulter and a 34-count (and counting) felon who's made it clear he will spend his entire term obsessed with settling personal vengeances, it seems as if for tens of millions of Republicans, electing a black man president somehow "broke the seal" on demanding our candidates be somewhat "decent" and "normal"; in their eyes electing someone who's black somehow gave them license to say "fuck it, we can just push the most repulsive fucker we can find to carry out our most disgusting shit against people", since in their eyes being black was an even bigger crime.

So fucked.

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