Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I Don't Understand Any of This

Color me eternally naïve by being shocked at how fast we’ve gone from:

1. Trump stumbles out of office twice-impeached, with the country in its worst throes in decades, and immediately incites an insurrection on the nation’s capital
2. The next four years under Biden has led to the best unemployment on record, zero wars, the DOW through the roof, inflation at record lows etc etc
3. Because of a fellow Republican’s heinous assassination attempt, suddenly it is now fait accompli that the race is over: “But the bullet did miss, and instead Donald Trump arrived at the convention Monday night wearing a bandage on his right ear and sitting atop a party as confident in its electoral prospects as it has been at any moment in decades. The GOP heads into November knowing it is likely to flip two Senate seats and retake the majority, knowing it has a friendly House map (gerrymandered to its advantage in many places)”.

Just like how 2 months ago we were so relieved he’d been nailed with 34 convictions and was on his way back out of our goddam lives and now suddenly, with his bathroom documents case suddenly being dismissed, it looks like all that’s gonna go away too. Incredible. Fucking depressing.

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