Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mustaches & I Think Something About Babies

Sometimes I'll see something and will be reminded of seeing it 15+ years earlier and writing about it; back in 2007, I can still see myself sitting at Rrthur's (YES, ladies, THAT Rrthur) kitchen island while The Short Bus was napping when this exact scene on Roseanne popped up and made me post this:

And how come every time a sitcom has a flashback scene, the dude HAS to have a mustache? Hey, we know it's a flashback because the screen started doing that weird shaking/fade thing and changed colors before coming back to you. Plus, you just set it up for us: "hey, you remember when our son was born?" "Oh, yeah!" (looks off into distance, do screen fade thing now BAM!! you're in a hospital with a little baby head hanging outta your pussy.) But no, no, I'm still not getting it, I don't understand what's going on until...oh, wait, the guy has a mustache! This must be from 15 years ago! Got it!

Still very true!

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