Sunday, July 14, 2024

On the Trump Shooting

1. I'm glad he's okay and I denounce any violence but if you think I'm going to be shocked when we find out the whole thing was staged so he can get a photo of himself doing that raised fist shit for his people then you are out of your goddam mind.

2. Selfishly, I'm glad it happened yesterday so it wouldn't stain my fucking birthday by attaching that piece of shit's name to it

3. I *have a feeling* this will not be met by the Right's usual outraged indignation over the very idea that it was anything other than a "lone nut"

4. which ironically could mean it's that much easier for Fuhrer Trump to round up all the guns the first day he's back in office

5. say goodbye to the rest of his court cases

6. this is the latest in a long series of Trump is simply the single luckiest person ever on Earth, you couldn't have possibly scripted this better; for years I've been comparing him to the kid in the Mark Twain short story Story of the Bad Little Boy except the difference is that while that kid never got in trouble for any of his evildoing, he also wasn't repeatedly demanded by tens of millions of people to be the most powerful person on Earth, so.

7. I think the reason we're just never going to get rid of Trump is deep down people know that he's as stupid and undeserving as most of us, and if the country's gonna go down in flames it's somehow a comfort that it's on someone’s watch who is as shitty as we all are.

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