Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Our 2nd Amendment: The Streisand Effect?

Is something that’s unique about the 2nd Amendment the fact that if it did not exist, we wouldn’t have nearly as many guns as we do now? For instance, 66% of gun owners own more than one gun, and I *have a feeling* a lot of them having extra guns is based either on paranoia about the 2nd Amendment being “taken away!” from gun owners, or "more guns" means "more guns to stick in liberals' faces to show how many guns we have because we love guns which are protected under the 2nd Amendment so much so fuck you, hippy". I believe the irony is that if the 2nd Amendment did not exist it would probably never occur to us to go so gun-crazy stockpiling weapons out of some misguided notion of patriotic nobility.

Never-minding the fact that if Evil Big Government comes to your door it’s just as easy for them to take 20 guns as it is for them to take 1, is there anything else similar to this phenomenon? A problem born out of something's purposfully-designated right to exist? 

I mean we all should also fear our 1st Amendment being taken away, but you never hear about people panicking-buying hundreds of books in case it does. And yet a pretty great case could be made that if the 2nd Amendment guarantees our right to own a gun, it’s also responsible for the wild over-proliferation of guns.

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