Friday, July 19, 2024

Outage Memories! 🤗🤣🤣🤣

 I have no idea what this global IT outage is all about but it reminds me of 1998 when I got dubbed "Swine Boy"...

When I moved to NYC, the first job I had was graphic designer for a string of copy shops in mid-town. Coming from Virginia was bad enough, but I had just come from living in Mississippi for 2 years, so the people I worked with got a kick out of me being the resident Jethro straight-off-the-farm; they were probably mildly amused I was familiar with indoor plumbing.

For some reason, my first week there I literally broke every thing I touched. Computer, printer, 2 copy machines, the fax. My beefy paws touched it, it broke, finally prompting Parish, the copy machine tech guy who was from Trinidad and every single thing he said was funny, to blurt out "Dammit, you hafta be careful with the equipment, you're not back on the farm wrestling hogs Swine Boy!!" From then on, I was "Swine Boy."

...aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the 2003 blackout which may or may not have have been caused by The Barber

The Barber walked into my office, touched a single key on my laptop and BLAMMO! that exact moment the lights went out for what turned out to be the 2003 NYC Blackout (which, as you recall, was for us Williamsburg folks delightful).


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