Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump, Biden, When Do We All Just Fucking Give Up Already

The other day I pointed out the inevitable, that Trump is just the fucking luckiest person ever born on Earth, and one of the many sad sides of that is how unlucky his opponent has been. Two children and a wife dead, another son dragged through a court conviction solely to deflect from Trump's kids doing the exact same thing but literally hundreds of millions of time$$ worse and now, after saving the fucking planet from its worst existential crisis in 80 years, may see his 50+ year career in politics ended with a screeching halt because he had a seconds-long stumble whilst in a forest of Trump stumbles but of course the media only cares when Biden does it. Incredible.

I've long compared Trump the kid in Mark Twain's short story The Story of the Bad Little Boy That Led a Charmed Life; it's really incredible that his opponent could be the character from Twain's accompanying story The Story of the Good Little Boy.

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