Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What I Mean When I Say I Only Believe in God When it Comes to Trump's Ridiculous Luck

I mean besides the 84,000 things that are so absurdly lucky that even got him to this point, starting with being born in a gold-dipped uterus, TWICE now Trump has been handed a ‘HERE’S AN EASY, INSTANT WAY TO UNIFY THE COUNTRY & LET YOURSELF BECOME A GREAT AMERICAN HERO DESPITE YOUR HAVING DEDICATED YOUR ENTIRE LIFE TO BEING A MAJOR FUCKING IDIOT AND DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING” path - first with COVID, and now with his assassination attempt which, if we’re being honest, could not have been scripted better for himself (no I am not saying it actually was, calm the fuck down).

Of course he totally blew his chance to use COVID to any degree of greatness and now based on the few things I’ve seen/heard from the RNC right now, there’s no chance of him not blowing it this time either; the gleeful overreach in this particular time of national empathy will be too much for him to stop himself from relishing in it. And yet will any of us really be surprised if God, who I do not believe in except when it comes to the repulsive and punishingly omnipresent luck of this shithead, tries to deliver him yet ANOTHER fucking gift on yet ANOTHER gold-dipped platter?

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