Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Xmastime's Existential Thoughts in 2011

Via April 20011:

Are we REALLY supposed to believe that the incredibly puny number of years we live on Earth should somehow determine whether or not we live in an "eternity" of Hell? Really? Just by how old the Earth is, any one of our lifetimes is a piece of sand on the cumulative beaches on the Earth, if it was multiplied by a million. And yet we're supposed to believe that a few shitty years on Earth = "eternity" in Hell? Also, Hell is final. Ergo, why should we give a shit? Even in prison, you're told that if you have good behavior, if you get your shit straight, there's another chance. But in Hell, hey, what do you know: an eternity of suffering! NO chance for redemption! So what's the point? I would argue that believing in Hell has an ADVERSE effect on crime; ie, once somone steals from an old lady, he should theoretically say "fuck it, I'm already going to Hell," and kill a bunch of people.
I feel I'm very lucky to have been born into a world that had The Beatles, tv, and fried chicken. Everything else is just a cosmic joke.
Still sounds about right. Also, who would agree to even be born if they knew there was even a slight, TINY chance of spending an eternity in Hell? Or as I said just a few weeks ago, if you're a Christian who believes in a literal Hell for an afterlife why would you have children & possibly subject them to it?

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