Friday, August 30, 2024


[XMASTIME NOTE: With the 50th anniversary of Porridge's premiere episode coming up on September 5, I *have a feeling* I may be posted one of two things between now & then about the show, which is easily in my highest pantheon of pantheons. Here's today's.]

One of the many, many sad "what ifs?" about Richard Beckinsale's tragically young death is he never got the chance to play Paul McCartney in a movie.

On a side note, yes it IS crazy that while we're celebrating Porridge, IN THAT VERY SAME WEEK Beckinsale also starred in the debut of ANOTHER all-time classic of classics, Rising Damp. Incredible; hard to even imagine anyone having a bigger sitcom week in television history (even though they also curiously consistently gave him the worst hair in television history).

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