Friday, August 30, 2024

The Media is the Fucking Worst, Part CDLLDDXVII

I guess on one hand it's comforting to know that at least someone is calling out the press for their fucking absolute bullshit re: holding Trump's opponents to an impossibly high standard while being fine presenting his naming his farts as being perfectly normal:
Biden was hostile to the Times and other members of the elite press because they refused to give him credit for a somewhat miraculous economic recovery and dogged him about his advanced age. Trump, on the other hand, lives for media attention, even though he rarely says anything that makes sense, so they see him as a candidate playing by the rules because he makes himself available to spout his gibberish.

[Last night] Harris and Walz gave a very predictable, anodyne interview. They are both experienced politicians and know how to do these things. As usual, they had to spend about half the time rebutting right-wing smears, dutifully regurgitated by the host Dana Bash. Harris clearly did not need Walz as a crutch and he was his usual charming self when called upon. They got into some policy details, both seemed comfortable, and that was it. It was hard to see what all the media frenzy was about.

But it hasn't ended. Almost immediately there were calls for a press conference. Maybe she should just do one like Trump does: Say anything she wants for an hour and then just take three or four questions and call it a day. They seem perfectly satisfied when he does it.
But then again, while it's one thing for them to pull this for 2016's BUT HER EMAILS!!! bullshit while assuming Trump was gonna lose so it didn't really matter, it's incredible that 8 years later after everything that's transpired they're doing it all over again except with even more expansive & dangerous examples every single day. So....not so comforting after all, and probably getting worse.

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