Tuesday, September 03, 2024

CALLING DR. XMASTIME, Genius Script Doctor

In the first episode of The Inbetweeners, at the end of his first day at a new school Will answers his mother:

Mrs. McKenzie: He seems nice.
Will McKenzie: He's the school psycho who just threatened to kill me.

I feel like "threatened" is a little to "oooooh we'll have our back & forth and maybe one day he will in fact get me or maybe he won't, who knows!"; I woulda gone with him presenting it as if it's fait accompli to be treated in as matter-of-fact a manner as possible, which would have actually made more sense as we'd already seen earlier in the episode that Will's mother is worried about his history of being bullied, something like:

Mrs. McKenzie: He seems nice.
Will McKenzie: He's the school psycho who just informed me he's going to kill me.


Mrs. McKenzie: He seems nice.
Will McKenzie: He's the school psycho who just told me I'm a dead man.

or a much more deep cut of:

Mrs. McKenzie: He seems nice.
Will McKenzie: He's the school psycho and it's happening.

Call me, The Inbetweeners!!!

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