Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Fascination is Fascinating (I Don't Like This Title Any More Than You Do)

Me, from my shoulda-won-a-bunch-of-live-blogging-awards-if-they-existed live-blogging posts of The Beatles’ 2021 Get Back documentary:
It’s kind of a silly thing I guess, but realizing you’re watching the actual recording of a song in real time that you’ve spent years listening to on the album is pretty fucking thrilling.

I’ve read a million books telling the story of George ambling through Something, unable to complete the second line, which begins "attracts me ...", and to serve as a temporary filler Lennon suggested "like a cauliflower", which Harrison then altered to "like a pomegranate". To now witness this moment as it really happened is just one of the amazing moments this film delivers for Beatles fans.
I wanna turn my nose up at it because when you’re young you believe in the sacred darkness and seriousness that closing your eyes & letting the music in through your ears brings to your soul, but there really is something magical about seeing something being recorded in real time after decades of it accompanying you all alone in your head, just you & the darkness & everything the sound brings with it. And without hesitation I’d say that going from video to audio in that scenario does not produce anywhere near the same kind of magic.

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